Prefect Team Training
On Friday 4th January, Ndubaluba outdoor centre conducted an all-day training session for the new Prefect Team of 2019.
The training was a great experience for all of us prefects to help us get to know our own strengths and weaknesses, as this would be important for us in leading the rest of the school. I saw the training as a great opportunity for me to get to know the rest of the prefects better as we assimilated into the leadership body. I expected it to be fun and full of excitement, and it did not disappoint. In spite of the heavy rain that poured throughout the day, we still carried out the activities, and – in true Ndubaluba spirit – never, never, never gave up. We carried out several initiative activities which required good planning, good coordination and most of all, good team spirit. However, some activities were challenging, and may have caused minor conflicts within the team, but these were all resolved quickly as we worked together to solve ever greater challenges.
During the training, we learnt several lessons about working as a team. One of the more valuable lessons was the fact that some degree of conflict is needed in a team in order for it to eventually be more effective. Another valuable lesson was the fact that it is important to know the role that each person has in a team, as this strengthens the team. The training really helped us to grow stronger and improved our teamwork and team spirit.
We can now look forward to the year ahead better equipped for our new leadership roles.
Luyando Lisimba, Lower 6th Form