Grade 1 & 4 Assembly
Recently Grades 1 and 4 had a chance to showcase what they have been learning during lessons in their class assembly. The assembly commenced with the famous old tale Goldilocks, only it had been given a twist and was now called Goldi-Rocks and the Three Foxes. The children all remembered their lines really well and spoke loudly and clearly.
They then showed us their lovely dance moves as they boogied to the song, ‘What Does theFox Say’. The Grade 1 class then showed their ability to count in ones forward and backward and the Grade 4 class showed they knew the five times table inside out! The students then described the different properties of a variety of materials and gave the audience some insight in to the sources of these materials and their uses.
Finally, the students reminded us to continue being witnesses to the Light as God has called us to be a light in whatever we do and wherever we go through the beautiful song, ‘Shine Jesus Shine’.
We give thanks to God for the gifts and talents He has given to each of these little children and we extend a big thank you to our parents for being a fantastic audience!
Well done Grade 1 and 4!
by Nditha Moyo