School News

Chengelo Celebrates Independence Day

Chengelo celebrated Independence Day with a whole school assembly and a wonderful “Brunch”.

The independence day speech was given by our very own Mr Sichinga. He enthused his audience with his speech which he called, “The Great Exchange.” Students and staff were taken on a journey that tried to re-live the experiences of those that were at the forefront of the independence struggle.

In it was the reminder that what is worth having is worth standing up for, particularly recognising those who were willing to persevere for a cause that was greater than themselves, to stand up and be proud to be called Zambian. Mr. Sichinga finished with the reminder that true freedom was really to be found in Christ alone, where all our hopes and joys are fulfilled. To exchange our frailties and failures for a life in Christ would gain us all we ever needed. What a journey!

Story by : Francis Sichinga
Pictures by: Morgan Khondowe

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