Our Board of Governors
The school is owned by the Mkushi Christian Fellowship Trust. The Trust is registered with the Registrar of Companies as a Trust Company and has been given charitable status by the Zambia Revenue Authority.
The school is overseen by a Board of Governors. Members are nominated and elected by the Board and membership is open to committed Christians who have a general interest in education and a specific interest in the Lord's work at Chengelo. Some have children or grandchildren at the school and so are able to represent your views as parents. The Board generally meets on the second Saturday of each term.
The Functions of the Board are to oversee the policy of the school ensuring that the Vision and Ethos are maintained. As part of this they review the development planning of the school to ensure that plans are coherent with our ethos and are sustainable.
The current Board of Governors includes the following members:

Helen Lungu-Banda

Felix Muchimba

Antoinette Chileshe Phiri

Linda Siddle

Mtaziwa Kumwenda

Patrick G. Coleman

Peter de Wet

Carmen Brubacher

Chilao Mutesa

Catherine Wallis

Leah Yondela