Chengelo Primary offers a Christian boarding school for students from pre-school to Grade 7. We run a British based curriculum that ideally prepares students for Secondary.
Chengelo Primary’s commitment to the development of the whole child is seen through its provision of early literacy development, Cambridge Maths programmes, sporting opportunities, outdoor education and adventure education curriculum, specialised art and music teaching, and regular programmes for public speaking, drama performances, and a wide variety of extra-mural activities.

At Chengelo Primary, we promote a love of learning with Christ at the centre. We have a wealth of experience and expertise enabling us to offer a varied and exciting curriculum based on the updated UK National Curriculum aligned with the innovative Cambridge Primary Maths.
Chengelo Primary School is situated near Mkushi and consists of a two-year Pre-School and Grade 1 to 7 classes. Facilities include an ICT suite, a multi-purpose hall, music room, a library, rooms for Pre-School and also Learning Support.
We provide a happy caring and safe environment where each child is encouraged to achieve their full potential both in and out of the classroom.
Extra Curricular

Throughout their life in Primary, our pupils are encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities available to them outside the formal classroom environment. We offer an exciting blend of clubs and sports that gives them a chance to stretch themselves and excel in a different area of life.
Our school is able to draw upon a breadth of experience and talents when we offer our clubs each term. We are pleased to showcase a broad range of clubs that draws upon a rich variety of activities that enables all individuals to pursue and develop current and explore new interests.
Clubs on offer include: Choir, Ballet, Recorder, Art, Guitar, Squash, Cycling, Craft, Scripture Union and Football

Sport is an important part of life at Chengelo Primary School. We have timetabled curricular sport as well as afternoon clubs that ensures that the children at Chengelo enjoy a comprehensive programme of sport.
Our pupils participate in a wide variety of competitive sports that helps to develop their teamwork and tactical awareness. Competing in sport also ensures that our Chengelo children develop their social skills and improve their fitness.
Our excellence in sport allows us to travel throughout Zambia taking part in national level events. Some of our students have been selected for national teams and have travel beyond our borders to take part in competitions. Beyond the classroom we encourage the children to bring glory to God in all that they do.
Adventure Education

Our adventure education programme brings our Chengelo children many benefits. It greatly enhances their self-confidence, self-reliance and interpersonal skills. At Ndubaluba, our Primary children are able to develop a stronger relationship with Christ through experiencing what God is doing in the outdoors.
Each year, children visit Ndubaluba with their classmates to take part in an incredible series of fun activities that stretch them to their limit. Our partnership with Ndubaluba presents great added value to the education of the children that come to our school. Everyone loves outdoor education at Chengelo and always looks forward to when they will next get to take part.

Arts education in Chengelo enables the child to develop organized expressions of ideas, feelings and experiences in images, in music, in language, gesture and movement. We believe that a purposeful arts education in primary school is life-enhancing; stimulating creative thinking, promoting appreciation of self, others, nature and the ethos and values of the School. Arts in Chengelo are widely celebrated.
All artistic attempts are valued; enhancing self-esteem, imagination and innovation. The arts serve as a cross curricula base for the consolidation of learning in other areas of the curriculum.
The visual arts curriculum comprises interrelated activities in making art and in looking at and responding to art. It presents a range of activities in perceiving, exploring, responding to and appreciating the visual world.
Music education is part of a balanced curriculum which aims to develop the whole spectrum of the child’s intelligence. Music offers lifelong opportunities for the development of imagination, sensitivity, inventiveness, risk-taking and enjoyment. At Chengelo music fosters the integral values of the School through class assemblies, singing assemblies, school productions etc.
Living at Chengelo

As a Christian school we believe in raising children in the way of the Lord. Our aim is to create an environment that enables us to nurture the children in a manner that leads to the development of godly young boys and girls who know God personally, and who are principled in ever area, and aspect of their life. We, in caring for the children, ensure that we meet each child’s spiritual, mental and physical needs.
Chengelo Primary offers boarding facilities for weekly and termly boarders. There are currently two main hostels that are used as the “home away from home”, for our students. The Zambezi hostel caters for Upper Primary students (Grades 5-7), and the Zongwe hostel caters for Lower Primary students (Grades 1-4). We readily accept students from Grades 3 and up as boarders. If the need arises for younger students to board we are able to take consideration of the need for the child to board.
We have a dedicated team of staff who look after the children and their needs. Each hostel has a pair of hostel parents that are always at hand to take care of the children. The hostels have been designed with accommodation facilities for the hostel parents at either end of the hostels. This ensures that our hostel parents are always readily available to assist, and tend to the children in whatever capacity possible. The children are able to see their respective hostel parent whenever they need to with any concerns. The hostel parents ensure that the children, under their care, follow a structured routine.
Both our hostels have excellent boarding facilities. Each room is equipped with two bunk beds and four closets. Above all, each room has ample space to accommodate its occupants. Each hostel has a common room that is furnished with bookstands, a games cupboard, a pool table and a television set. Our hostels each have a designated play park that is available for use at appropriate times with staff supervision.
Activities are regularly organised for the children by the hostel parents. These activities take place every evening and on the weekends. Some of the activities done in the evening include, arts and crafts making, movie watching and storybook reading. Weekend activities include various sports like soccer, swimming and cycling. The use of the school’s computer labs is arranged every weekend to ensure that the children can develop their IT skills, as well as send emails to family members.