The Sixth Form at Chengelo is a vibrant, intellectually stimulating and friendly place to be. Students benefit from the strong sense of community and belonging here and whether you are already a part of Chengelo or thinking about joining us, we are confident you will find Chengelo Sixth Form a fulfilling and enjoyable place to live and study your A Levels.
Our Sixth Form is high achieving with a track record for producing outstanding A Level results. In 2021, 53% of all results achieved were either A* or A grade with 75% of all grades being an A*, A or B grade - a huge achievement. Many of our students leave Chengelo to go on to study at some of the best Universities around the world and we are proud to hear stories of past students who are grateful for the foundation and experience Chengelo has provided.
The Whole Student
In sixth form, we place a strong emphasis on academic achievement to equip our students for further education. However, we also recognise that our responsibility is not simply to promote high academic standards, but to nurture and support the development of well- rounded individuals with maturity, depth of character and high moral standards.
Our Sixth Form aims to enable students to:
- Achieve excellent academic qualifications
- Develop their full potential inside and outside the classroom
- Advance their physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social progress
- Discover and use their talents and gifts to enrich the lives of others
- Take on new responsibilities and leadership roles
- Be an active member of the school and wider community
Pastoral Care
To support students in sixth form, we have a strong pastoral system made up of house parents, tutors, mentors and discipleship group leaders, supported by the Head of Sixth Form. Every student is assigned a tutor at the beginning of Form 6, who will provide guidance and support on academic and pastoral matters. Students at Chengelo also benefit from having good relationships with their house parents who they can meet with regularly to discuss any matters as they arise and receive encouragement and support.
Living at Chengelo
Here at Chengelo, life in Sixth Form is a very different than that which students experience lower down in the school. Smaller class sizes make it much easier to personalise the learning experience, while providing more thorough and rigorous monitoring and assessment opportunities. Students enjoy certain privileges and freedoms in the Sixth Form that are unique within the school. A dedicated Sixth Form Centre, equipped with three lecture rooms, a computer suit with access to the internet, a kitchen area and a common room gives students a highly valued sense of space and ownership here at Chengelo. Students also enjoy the privilege of wearing a different uniform to the rest of the school and appreciate greater independence.
One aspect of sixth form life which sets Chengelo apart from most other schools is the unique provision of a personal bedroom/study which students hold in high regard. We recognise that the demands placed on students in sixth form are high, and a personal space for private study and reflection provides the best chance of academic success.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Throughout their time at Chengelo, Sixth Form students are encouraged to identify and develop their talents and interests. A huge variety of clubs and sports are on offer for those who wish to broaden their field of interest. A core part of the Chengelo experience in sixth form is to expose students to opportunities in leadership training and development. Ndubaluba is our very own Outdoor Centre which links leadership with outdoor adventure education. Our Sixth Form students receive a number of opportunity to take part in activities and expeditions, which equip them with vital skills and help embed strong character and leadership qualities. In Sixth Form, students embark on two expedition: Chariots of Fire (link) and Kundalila Xtreme (link).
In collaboration with Ndubaluba, the Duke of Edinburgh Award is open to all Sixth Former students at Chengelo, where students can participate from bronze, all the way up to the reputable Gold award.
Our Faith
Chengelo Sixth Form builds on the strong Christian ethos of the secondary school with spiritual development deeply embedded within strong, traditional Christian values. Each week, students attend and deliver assemblies and follow a PSME programme which seek to help students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. Chengelo’s Core Values play a significant role in shaping our young people to become the people God has called them to be. These core values permeate the whole of our school curriculum and it is our hope that by the time your child leaves Sixth Form and takes their next step, the character and values embedded during their time will go with them.
Universities and Careers
We know students can feel overwhelmed when considering future prospects. Whether they want to continue into higher education to study at degree level, or explore career opportunities, or whether they wish to take a gap-year to volunteer, travel or carry out charitable work, our sixth form team will work alongside students to ensure they are well informed and equipped with the resources to make the good decisions. We continue to build important links with external organisations who visit our students to give presentations and hold Q&A sessions on future options.
Leadership in Sixth Form
The positions of prefect, head boy, head girl and deputy head boy and girl are awarded to sixth form students who embody the ethos of the school, uphold the Chengelo core-values and serve as role-models to younger students. They are expected to lead by example in all areas of school life and be a support to students and staff. The prefect team represent the school during whole-school events and functions and take an active role in organising social and fundraising activities throughout the year. They have a key role in helping the school to run smoothly and effectively carrying out many and varied duties as a service to the school.