Living at Chengelo
The majority of Chengelo students are boarders. Up to Form 5 they share a room for 4 and at Form 5 they share with one other friend. Our Form 6 students have individual study bedrooms. Each hostel has a common-room for relaxation and socialising with friends. Bathroom facilities include hot showers, flush toilets and wash-hand basins.
Hostels are run by houseparents, who seek to provide a caring, secure environment for the pupils in their care. They offer counselling and support for the bereaved and create a homely atmosphere where our young people are safe from the problems of city life.
They oversee the daily duties carried out by the pupils, which teaches them to be independent and responsible for their environment. Houseparents also oversee the work of our laundry staff.
Working alongside houseparents are tutors who are responsible for a small group of either girls or boys. Tutors monitor the academic progress of pupils in their group and deal with any minor discipline matters.
Pastoral Heads work with tutors and houseparents to ensure the overall well being of pupils in their care and are also responsible for running detentions. Occasionally they will write to parents to inform them of discipline matters or other issues affecting the pupils.
Chengelo has a reputation for the strong sense of family, which is strengthened by the Christian ethos of the school. Siblings are encouraged to spend time with each other and primary and secondary schools work closely together to allow this to happen. Older pupils assist the younger ones in primary by running clubs and helping with duties in the hostels. Parents are also encouraged to keep in touch with their children and take them home for the 3-weekly free weekends where possible.