Discipline at Chengelo
Discipline in a school context, just as in the family, must be seen as a positive activity which functions as an integral part of the pastoral care and development of the child. In disciplining we are trying to achieve the following aims:
For the School
- achieve a secure and orderly learning environment to enable the other aims of the school to be achieved
- establish a high reputation and public image to attract prospective parents and bring Glory to God
In the individual
- good manners and behaviour
- respect for elders and peers
- right relationships
- self-discipline
- self-esteem
- high moral standards
- becoming more Christ-like
In a Christian School we want to see discipline which brings about a change of heart in pupils and not merely the outward appearance of change. Discipline must be seen as redemptive, restoring the pupil to right relationships and behaviour. There needs to be space for pupils to recognise where they have gone wrong, to repent of their misdemeanours and the chance to try things again.
The Bible makes it clear that we have the opportunity to mould the character and ways of the young people in our care with the promise that if we get it right they will not turn from what they have learnt when they become adults.