Physical Education
Teaching Physical Education at Chengelo places a great emphasis on the individual looking after his/her body and developing a healthy lifestyle. The bible tells us that the believer’s body is the temple of the Holy Spirit – teaching students to live a healthy lifestyle will teach them to look after their “temple.” The Chengelo sports department believes that the individual should take responsibility for his/her actions on the field of play – which is something we will all do when we meet our Maker one-day!
The teaching of Physical Education at Chengelo encourages each individual to make the best use of their God given talents and abilities, for the benefit of themselves and for others in their team. Character Development is therefore at the heart of everything that is taught in Physical Education at Chengelo.
Sports at Chengelo School
Chengelo School offers its students a wide variety of games. Students are therefore privileged with many opportunities to participate in both team sports and individual sports disciplines offered at Chengelo. These are Athletics, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Netball, Rounders, Softball, Swimming and Volleyball.
Teams at Chengelo have been very successful, winning trophies at national level in Netball and Rugby. Chengelo teams have also been Regional and National Champions in the Independent Schools Association of Zambia (ISAZ) in Athletics, Basketball, Volleyball, Rugby, Netball and Football. The Chengelo Girls’ Netball teams have been the only winners of the ISAZ national event since the first games in 1999 to 2016! Some Chengelo students have represented junior national teams at Rugby, Hockey and Netball.
A lot of the sporting success is as a result of a strong tradition to teach our students the important aspects of team work and a deep sense of pride in representing God first, their parents and the school they have come to love so much.
The Physical Education Department policy has been to provide a safe learning environment for the successful teaching of sports and physical education for life. Our students leave Chengelo School with a sound knowledge of how to properly take care of their bodies and to be active members of the sporting community long after they have left.